
Growing at Greenville Alliance

What does “discipleship” look like?

  • According to Acts 2:42-47 and subsequently laid out in the Pauline Epistles, discipleship includes:

Devotion (accountability) (V. 42)

Bible centered teaching (V. 42)

Prayer (V. 42)

Care (V. 45)

Fellowship (v. 46)

Happens Regularly (V. 46)

Meets in manageable sized groups (V. 46)

  • We desire everyone at Greenville Alliance Church to engage in the practices above in addition to Gathering for worship, Giving time, talents, and treasures within Greenville Alliance, and Going into our community and world to advance the Gospel.

How do we seek to accomplish discipleship at Greenville Alliance Church?

  • In order to ensure everyone has an opportunity to do the things above and recognizing that not everyone can engage in multiple opportunities on a regular

basis, we seek to accomplish complete discipleship by encouraging anyone and everyone to be in a group doing the things above and meeting regularly (3 or

more times a month).

  • These groups could meet on Sunday morning or throughout the week. They may be smaller (4-12) or midsized (20-50). They might be mixed ages, mixed

gender and have unique studies. What each of these groups have in common is the desire to do the things listed above.

What about growing closer in my relationship with Jesus outside the Church?

  • We want to provide resources so that people can also engage in personal and family discipleship.
  • We also desire for our church to engage in personal devotions either with their families, individually, or other ways outside of organized church. This would include prayer, bible study, and spiritual disciplines.

What about additional programs at Grenville Alliance?

  • We believe that additional events can be helpful to offer to our church as we discern the need. These events might be men’s events, camps, women’s events, family events, fellowship events, and so on. These events do not replace regular discipleship but help enhance areas of needs and compliment what happens in these groups.
  • We recognize that people are in many different seasons in their lives. Some may be in more than one group. Some may have additional church related activities they participate in. Our hope is to not lose the simplicity of our desire to gather, grow, give, and go.